New ways of scientific publishing


Webinar IconOnline-Seminar (max. 15 participants)

Scientific publishing and communication about the latest research findings have changed fundamentally over the last ten years. The digital transformation and mechanisms, such as those we know from social networks, have created new opportunities to open up and expand scientific discourse. Terms such as open access and open data, altmetrics or post-publication peer review often cause uncertainty among academics, as their meaning and potential are often not fully known. However, scientific publications in specialist journals or specialist books are still the decisive indicator for scientific reputation and scientific careers. Young researchers, librarians, research funders and those responsible for Open Access at institutions and universities are therefore faced with the question of how to deal with these new opportunities and platforms such as or ResearchGate.

This seminar focuses on how academics can efficiently and sustainably generate added value for themselves and the dissemination of their work from the new forms of publishing presented. Together with the participants, they will also work out how to increase the visibility of their own research and in what form discourse and collaboration with colleagues can take place.

Weitere Informationen


  • Stakeholders and the market for specialized information
  • Scientific publishing: Workflows in specialist publishing houses
  • Peer review: Importance of quality assurance and types
  • Journal impact factor: definition, application and points of criticism
  • Problems from the perspective of scientists
  • Altmetrics: new forms of impact measurement
  • Open access, open data and open science
  • Reference books and OA university presses
  • New forms of scientific communication: overview and case studies
  • Directories, preprint servers, repositories, megajournals, EU Open Science platform
  • Opportunities and possibilities of new platforms for research communication


  Prof. Dr. Alexander Grossmann, HTWK Leipzig, Professur Verlagsmanagement und Projektmanagement in Medienunternehmen


10:00-10:15 Uhr: Introduction

10:15-11:45 Uhr: Basics of scientific publishing and problems from the participants' perspective

11:45-12:00 Uhr: Break

12:00-13:15 Uhr: Open Access, Open Data and Open Science

13:15-14:00 Uhr: Break

14:00-15:45 Uhr: New forms of scientific communication: case studies

15:45-16:00 Uhr: Break

16:00-17:00 Uhr: Questions from participants and case consultation

Further information

The seminar will be held in English.

This seminar is live and not recorded. The software Zoom is used to carry out the online seminar.

Further information can be found in our FAQ.

Evaluation and feedback 

"Sehr guter Vortrag, überaus eloquenter Referent. Vielen Dank!"

"Hervorragender Referent; man merkt ihm zu jeder Zeit an, dass das eines seiner Spezialgebiete ist; vorbildlich, dass er quasi alle seine Aussagen auch referenziert!"


15.11.2024, 10:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
Preis für Mitglieder: 259,00 EUR
Preis für Nichtmitglieder: 299,00 EUR

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